Workshops and Walkshops
1. "Understanding & Supporting A Ludic Ecology"
Facilitated by Angus Gorrie – The Outsiders Play Advocates: This workshop will unpack both theory and practical ways to support the ludic ecology of your space.
Ludic Ecology is sometimes over simplified as a way of saying "Play Space", however it is so much more than that. We will analyse space and environment considering factors such as liminality, neofilia, psychogeography as well unpack ideas such as forensic playwork, critical cartography, how children interact with space, and how space interacts with children. A combination of these ideas, concepts and practical skills will ensure as practitioners we are able to facilitate the best possible space conducive to supporting play and flow.
2. "Children as Influencers"
Facilitated by Carrie Rose; a strong focus in community partnership ignited a pedagogical research focus for the educators and children at Rosie's Early Learning. Documenting children’s perceptions of how ‘Rights’, ‘Relationships’ and ‘Citizenship’ interconnects identified powerful undertones and demonstrated the children’s knowledge in the importance of respect and diversity. This work leveraged from the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child, Professor Carla Rinaldi’s (Reggio) work in South Australia on ‘Re-imagining Childhood’ and National Children's Commissioner’s Children’s Rights Report for Australian Children by Megan Mitchell.
The pedagogical approach was underpinned by rich, meaningful enquiry based intentional teaching to unpack the children’s understanding of the impact they could have within their community. This approach deepened the children’s critical thinking and ownership of their learning outcomes. Critical to engaging children in real life experiences is the genuineness of the experience and the potential outcome. To engage the children in real life citizenship the educators were determined to create an impact with children’s ideas and voice gaining momentum outside the walls of Rosie's.
The research focus on 'loneliness in community' constructed an array of ideas and strategies. This presentation will share the ‘Affirmation Card Project’ by the 4 year old children writing their own affirmation to help lonely people in Logan feel happier. In partnership with Logan Council these cards were created and delivered to many groups and Logan citizens.
Children’s under 5 often are dismissed as not having the competency to contribute solutions to society’s issues, however my experience has been one where children’s solutions, albeit simple, have validity and purpose.
3. "Play Provocations"
Facilitated by Curious Me (Angie Casella & Kaycee Larney). Come play with a range of ingredients, sensory bases, loose parts, etc. and some tuff trays. Delegates will create a range of "invitations to play" and "play provocations".
Our focus is on genuine unstructured play, less saying no and more trusting children to explore.
4. Gunya Meta
Coming soon.
5. "Transforming public space through play"
Facilitated by Greg Mews and Debra Cushing. In the pursuit of the increased liveability of cities, public spaces are often subject to targeted design interventions that are based on instrumental functions and amenity. However, amenity prioritises only some types of uses through design for certain needs or desires.
During this special training sessions participants will have the chance to learn about a novel urban analysis method called CITY PLAY-framework. This framework takes advantage of the full complexity of human behaviour in relation to play activities in space. With this framework urbanists can gain a deep understanding of specific public spaces in urban core area with their dynamic qualities as part of public life studies. The presenter will explain the development process of the framework and demonstrates its application on practical exemplar cases in the international context.
If you wish to create not just “liveable” but “lovable” urban places for all this is a session you don’t want to miss.
6. "Play Policy"
Facilitated by Jordan Hill.
Coming soon.
7. "In the Present/ce: Talking circles a tool for listening and talking with children"
Facilitated by Marilyn Casley & Kerry Smith. Talking circles are based on thinking about learning as a process of self awareness and community building, and are very effective for gathering information about children’s ideas and perspectives The process is based on generative dialogue particularly listening - listening to oneself, listening to others and, listening to what emerges from the group.
This session will examine the Talking Circle methodology and findings from an Australian research project with school age children in school age child care services. The project was formulated to examine how children could be encouraged to ask questions about their social purpose and how they can make a difference for themselves, each other and their community and in turn build resilience and leadership skills. The children referred to this activity as 'Talking Circles’. Through the process of listening and talking to one another, children collaborated and established relationships with each other and the adults involved. As a consequence, data was gathered about children's interests and well being.
An evaluation of the Talking Circle process (Smith, 2020) argues that gathering data about children, from children and with children requires skilled communicators. This session will also explore the characteristics of adults' communication with children and proposes that the communication skills required include being able to create 'suspended' contexts in which dialogue can occur. That is if children and adults are 'talking in the present', the adult is able to encounter the child’s ideas, curiosities and hypothesis with respect and concern. This kind of process gives children an opportunity to shape and understand their own view of the world and within this context children are more likely to discuss their viewpoints with adults.
8. "The Sanctuary of the Neighbourhood, Creating Neighbourhoods for Play"
Facilitated by Michelle Christensen and Hyahno Moser. To children the neighbourhood can be a precious space, a space of significant value in the context of their immediate worlds. What does this mean? Why is this important? This workshop will unpack the amazing outcomes for children and adults who explore the simple and powerful steps to revitalising neighbourhoods as places to play and the rewarding art of being a good.
9."Engaging kids in Nature Play"
Facilitated by Rebecca Burch and Anya Perkins, Nature Play QLD will motivate and inspire you to take play and learning outdoors through a hands on practical workshop. We will explore the benefits of nature on children’s wellbeing and development and share why its so important that children have opportunities everyday for unstructured free play in nature. We will engage in nature activities using natures loose parts around us, sticks, leaves, seedpods and have fun! Nature Play QLD will also share resources we have that can help families at home.
10. Queensland Youth Parliament
Coming soon.