Childhood Summit 2021
The Australian Institute of Play and Logan Together are focusing their play efforts in Logan, which means we hope to see as many people from Logan at the Childhood Summit as possible! We have received funding which allows us to support a flexible ticketing option for those who live or work in Logan.
To make this event more accessible to all people in Logan, we are setting up a ticketing option which will allow those who live or work in Logan to register for a “Pay As You Wish”(PAYW) ticket. These tickets mean there will be no upfront cost, and at the finalisation of the summit all PAYW ticketholders can decide the price of their own tickets (this might be based on perceived value or individual affordability). At the end of the summit, we will contact all PAYW ticket holders with an option to pay an amount if they wish.
If you live or work in Logan, you can register for a PAYW ticket by entering your relevant Logan postcode into the promotional code box when you checkout.
If the promotional code does not work, it is possible that the allocated funded tickets have all been reserved. If you need any help with this process, contact ausinstituteofplay@gmail.com