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Play-Action Plans

Every day at the Summit, there will be four workshops focused on creating a future play action plan. These sessions will be facilitated by at least one Australian Institute of Play Board member, as a way for us to collect the voice of community which will inform our future actions - we want to hear from you!


On the final day of the Summit (30 Saturday), a brief summary will of the collected voices will be heard in the main auditorium. These plans will take more work to complete, but we want to hear from you to know if we have heard and are accurately representing your voice first.


See the following Play-Action Plan themes:


"Play Based Strategies"
A play-based strategy are any concepts, ideas or actions which promote high quality play. If you would like to hear about current play-based strategies which are happening across Logan and Brisbane, look for the presentations, action groups or workshops which are related to this theme. Listen to their stories, successes, and challenges - and feel free to ask some questions.

Facilitated by Lukas Ritson.

"Child's Voice"

Children form thoughts, make decisions, and have preferences from a really young age. Children share these in many different ways, such as drawing, dancing, pointing, signing, building -the list goes on! The problem is children aren't always asked and listened to. Let's explore why it's important for children to have their say about their play and to understand the role of an adult in this. 
Facilitated by Carrie Rose and Ellen Ferris.


"Playful Research"
The benefits of Play have been researched since the 1890's by the likes of Granville Stanley Hall. Modern-day researchers are building upon this knowledge base, and have many insights to offer. If you want to know more about the most recent research on play (both nationally and internationally).
Facilitated by Dr Gregor Mews and Dr Debra Cushing.


"Capacity Building"
How do we support capacity building for play? Another consideration is, once capacity for play has been built, how can it be sustained? Being playful involves many facets of society, meaning 'Playful capacity building and sustainment' must be present across community, neighbourhoods, policies and programming - anywhere and anything which has the power to impact children. Together, let's explore how grown-ups and children are already doing this, and how we can continue to build and sustain play.
Facilitated by Penny Goodall and Sara Branch.



Image by Ryan Ancill
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