CHS 2025
Child Voice Speaker
"Don't Break My Heart, by Tearing my Forest Apart"
"Being a Child in Todays Generation Definitely has it Challenges
"How we play - Understanding the minds of kids with Autism and ADHD"
"We do not have trust in Logan"
"Making Virtual Reality Cheaper"
"Parenting can be negative for Children"
"Somewhere to go after school"
"Bullying in Still a Problem"
"Forget the vape, instead be a hero and wear the cape"
"Teenage Mental Health
"Ramping and Children's Hospitals"
"Every Child Should Feel Safe on Social Media"
"Abuse Through Substances and Diagnoses"
"Get Off Your Screens and Live Your Life!"
"How to Prioritise Inner Strength
Mental Health Matters!
"6 Teaspoons of Addiction"
More coming soon...
"Giving Kids a Psychological H. A. N. D. (Health And NeuroDiversity)"
"Giving all Logan kids what they need to be their best self"
"Family time and Crime"
Cost of Living in Logan
"Young Children Struggling with Mental Health"
Maintaining Parks to Keep Children Safe
"Racial Discrimination and Peer Pressure"
"Quality Time with Parents"
Kid's Community Camp
"Caring for the Environment and Recycling for Play"
MC & Child Voice Speaker
"Safety and Play"
"Lead the Change: How YOU can help us make a difference and create a brighter tomorrow!"
Insecurity In the Woodridge Area
"Recognition of First Nations Peoples"
"Culture and Language"